على هذه الطريق • ‏منذ آلاف السنين • في وسط الصحراء • تبلورت قيمة تفوق الحاجة إلى البقاء • السعي نحو المثالية • غاية الإنسان الأبدية • ولو بقيت فرضية • أكثر من أي وقت سبق • نقترب منها اليوم • ليس بخطوة • بل بقفزةٍ نوعية • ذات الطريق التي لطالما خدمت كمسار • تصبح مكاناً للاستقرار • راحة البال في قلب الحدث • وفي قمة الإنجاز متنفس • وعلى ذات الطريق التاريخية التي شهدت بدايات تحويل الخام وتسخير المعدن • تُقلب الأعمال رأساً على عقب فتزيد المكان مجداً • خالقةً فرصاً لم يُسمع بها • ونوعيةَ حياةٍ سابقةً لوقتها • ذات الطريق يُعاد إحياءها • فتجري الحياة نحو ثلاث قارات من خلالها • ويصبح للشرق الأوسط بوابة • أكبر ميناءٍ جاف بها ومركزها للصناعة • ما بدأ بخطوة على هذا الطريق الطويل • يتسارع إلى قُدوة و عصرٍ جديدٍ في التنوير • مكان يعجُّ بأصحاب العقول النابغة • ويضجّ بتقنيات الثورة الصناعية الرابعة • • • مدينة تصنع قيمة لما لا يُقدّر بقيمة

**The video is edited using footage extracted from online sources and compiled solely to reflect the words of the script. The video is not a finished product.

Project Glory - New Saudi City Launch Manifesto

Scriptwriting (Ar)

A campaign manifesto, written to introduce and launch Project Glory, a new city at the south of Riyadh. Since the launch of Saudi Vision 2030 in April 2016 the importance of the capital has increased. As a result, the capital’s population has ballooned to approximately seven and a quarter million. As announced by HRH The Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman “We aim to increase Riyadh’s residents from 7.5 million today to 15-20 million residents in 2030.” Project Glory will be “…the world’s largest industrial city […], linked by a network of roads and rail to the whole Kingdom, the GCC countries and the ports in KSA and the GCC”.

The script highlights the main characteristics and assets of the city, natural and industrial, current and forthcoming, in a poetic manner, leveraging Riyadh’s economic base and strategic position to transform Southern Riyadh to a futuristic “live-work-play” district anchored by a logistics and industrial hub serving 100m+ people in the region. The script takes the direction of the historical trade route that passed through Riyadh thousands of years ago, as this passage not only amplifies its original purpose of connecting continents, the past and the future, but also transforms to a place to reside, creating value so precious, it can't be equaled.

I hope you’ve packed some patience • Because this film is about to take you on a mind-blowingly boring ride • To start with, it doesn’t take place in some intriguing spot at the edge of the world, just the same old middle • And before you get your hopes up, it’s none of the countries making headlines in this forever-volatile region, no, it’s only quiet and peaceful and boring Jordan • If you’re looking to meet streetwise whimsical main characters, keep walking, nothing to see here • And if you’re expecting to get yourself in strange situations on this alien stone-built desert, think again • No, there won’t be a nation-wide power outage… and no, you won’t get your heart racing as you text your friends back home that you’re losing network • those things, they just don’t happen here, sorry • We know what you’ve heard, but you can forget about getting a kick out of a good haggle • Or the thrill of finding your way through the back and twisted alleys • Or an exhilarating rule-bending adventure • No challenge here, your offer on a silver platter • If you’re still watching, you must be an investor • Because Jordan is boring • Your ideal kind of boring • Low risk, high reward •

*Disclaimer: for normal non-investor folks, aka your customers, Jordan is actually very exciting ;-)

**The video is edited using footage extracted from online sources and compiled solely to reflect the words of the script. The video is not a finished product.

MODEE - Jordan is Boring Manifesto

Scriptwriting (Eng)

A campaign manifesto to be launched by The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship of Jordan (MODEE) to attract foreign investors by positioning Jordan as a solid, uneventful country in what is often seen (fairly or unfairly) as a very tumultuous region. Written so that the voice-over would establish that Jordan is the most boring, uneventful country in the Middle East, while the text we see on screen counters the arguments by showing what that would mean in the language of investors: Low risk, high reward.

إن لكلماتنا وقْعٌ وقُوّة • ما يبدأ بكلمةِ حبٍّ يبقى • ولكلمةِ دعمٍ أن تبني أساساً لا يُمحى • لوعدٍ إن قُطع بطيبةٍ رُغم الألم • أن يخلق عالماً من العدم • لابد للعقود المتكافئة أن تدوم • ولما أتلفته المصائب أمام العهود القائمة على النزاهةِ • أن يقوم ثم يقوم ثم يقوم • كلماتُنا تشكِّلُ معتقداتِنا • تدفعُ سلوكَنا • تُشيدُ أُممَنا • وفي النهاية تخلقُ عالمَنا • لننتقيها • ونوفي بها • فنُرجع للكلمةِ سُلطتها • مُدركون • أن الوعودَ قويةٌ بقدر قوةَ الإنسانِ الذي يقطعُها 

**The video is edited using footage extracted from online sources and compiled solely to reflect the words of the script. The video is not a finished product.

Nuqul Group - 70th Anniversary Brand Film

Scriptwriting (Ar)

Towards the end of 2022, Nuqul Group’s Platinum Jubilee (70th anniversary) coincided with the passing of the founder, Mr. Elia Nuqul. The script for the brand film was written to establish a dialogue – as a group – with both its internal and external audience, while celebrating the platinum jubilee and commemorating the founder. The script revolves around a promise that Elia Nuqul, the founder and business conglomerate, made to his wife before it all started; to build a name for himself that would make his children proud; it brings back and emphasizes the power of words.

The group has a story like no other and is one of the most successful entrepreneurial models in the MENA region. The founder established Nuqul from point zero, went through his fair share of major setbacks (factories burning down, political challenges and more) to reach where it is today with unmatched resilience. The Group as it stands has 12 companies under its umbrella with each having its own story and purpose, including: Fine, UMIC, Al Naseem Trading, Delta Insurance, Nuqul Automotive, NECC integrated auto, ABC Jordan, Masdar Investment, Washy Wash, Magma Lifestyle, AFC, Elia Nuqul Foundation. It is widely celebrated across the region for its ethics, integrity, story and more, but there is truly low awareness on the complexity of its story and portfolio companies.

Where most earth’s land has been treaded • wonder has been preserved • for infinite space and ocean depths • But what about sand on a land preserved from the world until now • What more valuable riches could the Arab peninsula be sitting on • its soil, its oil • or the best it kept for last • underneath its sand • Millions of years formed • thousands of years carved • a hundred years untouched • On stone, a story untold • Now open to the world • to be discovered by all • Because Saudi Arabia is not only rich • It’s very rich 

**The footage is extracted from online sources and videos, and compiled to provide a visual storyline to the written material. The video is not a finished product.

The Supreme Commission for Tourism - Al Ula Opening in Saudi Arabia

Video Editing/Scriptwriting (Eng)

An audiovisual storyboard to promote Al-Ula's first official opening to the public. Sister to Petra in Jordan, Al-Ula in Saudi Arabia contains the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Saudi Kingdom, called Mada'in Salih, built more than 2,000 years ago by the Nabataeans. The script is written to introduce a hidden gem, Al-Ula, never before open to the public, as one of the many riches of Saudi Arabia.